Service Entrance
Application Information
Where electrical power enters a building or other structure, the National Electrical Code (NEC) requires electrical distribution equipment rated as "Service Entrance." Such service equipment usually consists of one main breaker disconnect or space for up to 6 submain disconnects. Midwest models meet these NEC requirements and are UL listed as service entrance equipment. These service entrance products are typically utilized on single family residences and mobile homes. Additionally, service entrance for mobile homes is generally located within 30 feet of the mobile home. This location requirement by the NEC and the common use of underground service feeders combine to make service entrance on a pedestal the preferred installation method by many park owners. Midwest offers a broad range of pedestal units, all factory assembled and wired with loop feed lugs to reduce installation time and labor expense. Midwest also offers a wide selection of surface units for single family residences and mobile home sites.
Features & Benefits
Rugged Durability:
* Heavy G90 galvanized steel with highest quality electro-deposition finish resists corrosion and fading
* 125, 200 or 320 Amp continuous duty meter socket with meter guides and reinforced jaws for ring and ringless type sockets
User Safety:
* Utility meter socket compartment provides barrier from breaker mains for utility power protection
* UL listed "Suitable for use as service equipment"
* Rated NEMA 3R - weather proof equipment
* Padlock provision on door to help prevent unauthorized access
* Rolled edge post bottoms to protect service cable
Installation Ease:
* All terminals accept copper or aluminum wire for added installation flexibility
* Supplied with 12-2 Cu/Al equipment ground lug
* Removable post door allows lay in wiring
Post models:
* Factory wired loop feed lugs
* Posts available with stud terminations to accept compression type lugs
* Locking hasp for utility seal on post covers
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